Beginner Beekeeper's Basic Beehive Tool Kit

Beginner Beekeeper's Basic Beehive Tool Kit

Beekeepers use all kinds of fantastic tools, gadgets, and equipment. Newbies who have never kept bees before, need clothes, tools, basic beehives, etc. But what do you need?
1:Langstroth Hive
About the internal structure of Langstroth beehive, you can read this blog.
Don’t ever visit your hive without wearing a veil.Doing so keeps the bees away from your face and prevents them from getting tangled in your hair.
3: Smoker
The smoker is the beekeeper’s best friend. Yet for many, keeping a smoker lit can be the trickiest part of beekeeping. It doesn’t have to be. What you're trying to achieve is enough thick, cool smoke to last throughout your inspection. You certainly don't want your smoker to poop out as soon as you've opened the hive.
4:Hive tool and frame lifter
The versatility of the simple hive tool is impressive. Don't visit your hives without one! Use it to scrape wax and propolis off woodenware. Use it to loosen hive parts, open the hive, and manipulate frames.
New beekeepers understandably like the idea of using gloves, but I urge you not to use them for installing your bees or for routine inspections. You don't really need them at those times, especially with a new colony or early in the season. Gloves only make you clumsier. They inhibit your sense of touch, which can result in your inadvertently injuring bees.
6:Frame rest

For users of a Langstroth hive, a frame rest is a super-helpful device.This gadget hangs on the side of the hive, providing a convenient and secure place to rest frames during routine inspections.

7:Bee brush
The long, super-soft bristles of a bee brush enable you to remove bees from frames and clothing without hurting them.
  The above seven tools are necessary, and there are some other tools: pods, honey cutters and so on.The complete kit recommends the maybee hives 22 stater beekeeping equipment tool kit with a veil, which contains very complete tools and a complete deep beehive include:top and inner cover,brood box with frama and foundation,solid bottom board,entrance reducer.
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