Beginners In Beekeeping

Beginners In Beekeeping

1:Bee splitting technique
  Natural bee division: Natural bee division is the natural behavior of bees after the development of a certain scale, the advantage is that it is in line with the habits of bees, bees can be quickly recovered and basically will not return, the disadvantage is that there are many uncertainties in the time of natural bee division, and the management of bees may lead to the flight of bees.
  Human bee division: Human bee division is the artificial hive divided into two or more colonies, the advantage is that the bee division time can be freely determined, as long as the climate and group potential are satisfied when the human bee division can be human bee division, the disadvantage is that the human bee division requires the beekeeper to have certain technology, and the other human bee division operation is easy to appear back bee phenomenon.
2:Intervening new queen
  The principle: bees are typical social insects, each swarm has a unique smell (group smell), in fact, the smell is also the most important basis for bees to identify whether the nest bees, the basic principle of queen is to find a way to confuse the smell of the queen and the swarm, as long as the smell of the same swarm will accept the intervention of the new queen.
  Operation: there are two main methods to introduce the queen directly and indirectly. It is generally recommended to use the relatively safe indirect method to introduce the queen online. The specific operation is to first lock the queen bee in the cage, and then spray some honey water on the honey spleen to confuse the smell, and then release the queen bee after the bee colony accepts the queen bee.
3:Merged colony
  The principle: although bees are social insects, but the swarm and the swarm are relatively independent and rely on smell to identify whether it is the same hive bees, which can cooperate with each other at the same time, once the smell is different two swarms will fight, so the basic principle of merging swarms is to find a way to confuse the smell of the swarm.
  Method: There are two methods of merging bee colonies: direct merging and indirect merging. Direct merging refers to the direct merging of bee colonies into a group after spraying honey water on both bees, while indirect merging refers to the separation of two bee colonies in a hive with a partition first, and then the partition is removed after the smell is confused so that it can merge into a group by itself.
4:Four seasons management
  Spring: spring breeding is the focus of bee spring management, only spring breeding can ensure the annual beekeeping benefits, the specific method is to determine the appropriate time according to the local climate, and then insist on rewarding feeding to promote the rapid reproduction of bees.
  Summer: summer heat prevention is the focus of bee summer management, first of all, take out the honey spleen and waste nest spleen in the beehive to facilitate ventilation, and then put a sunshade on the beehive to shade the sun, extreme high temperature weather also sprinkle cold water or put ice cubes to cool the beehive.
  Autumn: autumn breeding is the focus of bees autumn management, autumn breeding is also a key factor in whether the bee colony can successfully overwinter, because autumn breeding can cultivate a large number of appropriate age of overwintering bees, these overwintering bees are the basic conditions for the bee colony can successfully overwintering.
  Winter: overwintering is the focus of bee winter management, a group of bees must be able to support the next spring, the second swarm must have enough feed, the three hive insulation must be cold and not hot, the three lack of one swarm overwintering may fail.
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